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On Cloud 8 -- time for a sequel

A chance to win a signed copy of Miles Away - read on!

As I return to earth after the excitement of Bloody Scotland my mind has turned back to writing.

A sequel to Miles Away has been in the back of my mind for some time, and a plan is now almost fully formed.

Miles Away was my first book, and so it follows that this will be my first sequel.

The sequel will be called "%&*#@" - I've chosen the name but will keep that to myself for now. Writing it won't take me so long as Miles Away did. I learned so much in the four years from pen-to-paper to publication.

I have the plot in outline form, but I know it will change as the characters take me in different directions. I am currently about 20 thousand words in and already the story is getting to be even more complex than I had outlined to myself. That's the fun part for me - making all the various threads knit together.

What I need to decide is which characters from Miles Away will feature in the sequel. Some of them will obviously not feature - the dead ones. But who should I bring back?

Which characters should feature in the sequel to Miles Away?

Which of them should definitely not return?

Who are your favourite characters from Miles Away, and who do you never want to read about again?

If you haven't read Miles Away yet (why not?!) just let me know what kind of characters you are drawn to in a book. Get in touch.

Let me know your ideas.

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When another 50 people join the site one lucky member will be selected at random to receive a SIGNED COPY of Miles Away.

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